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Extended Essay: Extended Essay Home

A guide for DP students to guide the completion of the extended essay writing process

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A note about sources in other languages:

Referencing sources not in the language of submission

An extended essay can use sources in languages other than that of submission where appropriate. In these situations, the IB advises that the sources be used as necessary, and that when referred to in the body of the extended essay as a quotation, the translation is given and the original quotation is placed as a footnote.

When a source is acknowledged in the bibliography, it should be referenced in its original language. Where there is no official published translation, the student should write a brief summary alongside the source in the language of submission of a) the title, b) name of the author, c) the focus of the work and d) any other relevant details. This way, the examiner can assess the relevance and suitability of the source as required.

The translation of the text should be done by the student if there is no official translation. The supervisor should help ensure as best as possible that the translation is accurate and representative of the original text. If the student finds the translation task beyond their capabilities, then it is advisable not to include that source in his/her research. In selecting sources, the nature of the subject in question needs to be considered—for example, in a language acquisition essay, it is vital that students work mostly with authentic materials in the target language.

Reading Around Your Topic

Tech Tools Set Up

Paperpile and Topic Selection

Reading Tips by Subject

Databases and the EE (revised 2023)

Video on using databases

Note that this presentation has been updated so not all screens are the same, but there  are many useful tips on how to search Gale and EBSCO..

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