Understand the causes of rainforest deforestation in Peru.
Understand the kinds of impact does deforestation has:
Artisanal (gold miners) - Miners who work independently, not for a mining company
Board feet - A unit of measurement for how much timber (wood) has been cut
Capital - Money
Coca - Leaves that can be processed to make the drug cocaine
Cocoa - Beans that can be processed to make chocolate
Colonists - People who take over another country or area
Cultivation - The act of helping something grow (cultivators - those who help something grow)
Degraded / degradation - To lose health; to become worse
Export - To sell and send out products to another country
Exponential growth - A math concept; growth that increases at greater and greater rates
Feasibility - The study of whether or not something is possible, especially in the long-term
Felled trees - Trees that have been cut down
Import - To receive and buy products from another country
Indigenous - Native to a place; can refer to plants, animals, people who are originally from a particular location
Laundering - To clean; in the case of "money laundering" to "clean" money or make it impossible to tell whether money has come from illegal activity
Primary / virgin forest - Original plant growth in an area
Secondary forest - Plants that have grown up after original forest has been removed somehow
Small-scale farming - A farm that is not part of a company; a farmer working independently
Yield - The amount of something that can be sold or used
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Science: Land Use Conflict Reading (tip: choose "Tools" > "View Document outline")