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HS Science: Science: Grades 11 & 12

MSHS Library Databases and Passwords

All Science Databases

Search these subscription databases for excellent information. If off-campus, use the password doc above to access.

  • JSTOR - High-level academic research papers
  • Statista - Great for data of all kinds. Used in high-level academic courses.


If you find you need a more basic introduction before diving deep, check out the databases below.

Email Mrs. Lopez if you have trouble accessing any of these sources.

Looking for Datasets?


Science Journal Sites

Public Library of Science - Scroll down to view the areas of study. Click on the Journal for the subject of interest. Then use keyword searching to look for articles.

Access Science - Search for articles by topic or keyword. If you need full access to the article, email Ms. Beck the citation.


Add this Chrome extension to help access more sources that might be behind a paywall. 


Chemistry: Interactive Periodic Table