Use the FDR GO app to request your visit time slot, complete your DHC, and complete your affidavit.
Step 1. Download (or update) the FDR GO app to access the library sign up. Parents, please use the same email you use to access the Monday Messenger. Students, please use your school Google login.
Download the FDR Go app from the Apple App Store here.
Download the FDR Go app from the Google Play Store here.
Step 2. Register for a Library Visit under the Activities menu.
Step 3. If this is your first time registering using the app, please complete the health affidavit. This only needs to be completed once.
Step 4. Complete the Daily Health Check form the day before your visit. The form will be available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and needs to be completed for all visitors.
Please note, if you plan to visit the library in-person, please do NOT complete a Distance Lending request.
General Guidelines for students and their parents:
Double masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth, except at specific times noted in these protocols.
Maintain physical distance of at least 1.5 meters from others. Refrain from greetings involving physical contact.
Hands should be washed regularly, especially after handling shared materials and using the bathroom.
Do not share personal items, drinks or snacks.
No locker or storage use is allowed at this time. It is important that students bring only what is necessary for the activity they will participate in. No food is allowed at this time.
Students and adults must attend and leave campus in the clothes with which they will perform activities. The use of showers or dressing rooms is not allowed, with the exception of swimming students and coaches.
Before coming to campus, make sure:
You are registered for an activity. Access is allowed only with confirmed registration.
You have completed the daily health check. Only those who complete the health check confirming they have no symptoms and no confirmed contact with COVID19 will be allowed access.
You have your FDR-ID (or approved substitute) and vehicle sticker if appropriate.
The Middle School and High School Library, Elementary School Library and Libru (Early Childhood) will be open for in person browsing and check-out of books on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
All library visitors must request an appointment using the FDR GO app.
The room capacity for libraries is limited to 30%. This allows for the following number of visitors at one time:
Libru: 8 visitors
Elementary School: 28 visitors
Middle & High School: 40 visitors
Visits are limited to a maximum of 15 minutes
One (1) parent/guardian is allowed to accompany their child(ren) to the library. The child(ren) must remain with his/her parent/guardian at all times. Students in grades 2 and below must be accompanied by a parent. Nannies and drivers are not permitted access to campus.
Visitors must comply with all school protocols for accessing campus (such as completing an on-site health check, wearing a mask, etc.)
Visitors must comply with the procedure for Accessing Libraries (below)
For those who have scheduled an appointment to access the libraries, the following guidelines apply:
Visitors must enter through the main entrance of the library
Visitors must maintain a minimum of 1.5 meters from those not in your family.
Visitors must use hand sanitizer upon entry and at checkout, and at any time while browsing they touch their eyes, face, mask, etc.
Visitors must stay away from any areas that are marked as unavailable
When touching the book/s, visitors:
Put the book back where they got it from (use browsing sticks) OR
Place book/s on top of the bookshelf from where it was pulled
Visitors may checkout materials at the circulation desk and then leave the library.
Visitors must go directly to and from the library and are not allowed to visit other spaces on campus unless they have a pre-arranged appointment.
Visitors should follow all guidance provided by library staff and security personnel.