How many books can I check out?
How long can we keep library books?
2 weeks
What should I do if my child loses or damages a book?
Please email for payment information.
** Library books must be kept clean and are to be handled properly. Library books are the direct responsibility of the student to whom they are issued. Students must pay for any lost, stolen, or damaged library books. **
When can my child visit the library?
Students are able to visit the library before school, during both recess times, with a library pass, and during their weekly class visits.
When can parents visit the library? Can parents check out books from the library?
Parents are able to visit the library with their child before school from 6:45 am to 7:45 am Monday-Friday. Parents are able to check out 2 additional books on their child's account from the MSHS library for their own reading.
More Questions? Please email Mrs. Crockett at