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HUM 8: Leadership & Morality: Historical Resources

An examination of leadership qualities and morality through biographical research

Guiding Questions for Historical Context

  • When and where did s/he live?
  • What are the characteristics of the time period in which s/he lived?
  • What are the major events that happened in the time and place s/he lived?
  • What is ONE major significant decision that s/he made and how does it relate to the historical context?



Ancient-Modern History

Genghis Khan

  • Mongol Empire, China
  • 1200

Julius Caesar

  • Roman Empire, Rome
  • 100-44 BCE

Alexander the Great

  • Macedonia
  • Greek Exploration
  • Persian Empire
  • 320-350 BCE

Henry III, of England

  • 1216-1270
  • The Baron's War

Joan of Arc

  • France
  • Hundred Years War
  • 1412-1440

Marie Antoinette

  • France
  • French Revolution
  • 1755-1793

Napoleon Bonaparte (Napolean I)

  • France
  • French Revolution
  • 1769 - 1821

Franciso Pizarro

  • Age of Exploration
  • Spain, Peru
  • 1500-1550

Christopher Columbus

  • Age of Exploration
  • Italy
  • 1450-1500



See "World History"

Choose "Browse all Topics" 

Modern History

Adolf Hitler

  • Germany
  • World War II
  • Holocaust

Joseph Stalin

  • Communism
  • Russia

Simon Bolivar

  • 1783--1830
  • Venezuela, "Gran Colombia"

Sir Winston Churchill

  • World War II
  • Britain
  • Iron Curtain

Charles Darwin

  • Natural Selection
  • 1850's

Andrew Jackson

  • 1767-1845
  • War of 1812
  • Creek Indians

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

  • The New Deal
  • United States

Smart Search Tips

Keep search terms together, by enclosing the words in quotation marks (" ")

  • "Russian Revolution"

Combine names and search terms

  • "Andrew Jackson" morality
  • "Andrew Jackson" "worst decision"

Put a minus sign (-) in front of a word or phrase you DON'T want in your results

  • "Andrew Jackson" -"Trail of tears" 


  • High School level: watch for "Evaluation" or "Legacy" sections 


Cesar Chavez

  • 1927-1993
  • Migrant rights, activist

Fidel Castro

  • 1926-2016
  • Cuba

Diana, Princess of Wales

  • 1961-1997
  • AIDS, Land mine activist

Alberto Fujimori

  • 1938 - present
  • Shining Path

Nelson Mandela

  • 1918 - 2013
  • South Africa
  • Apartheid

Malala Yousafzai

  • 1997 - present
  • Pakistan
  • Taliban

Barack Obama

  • 1961 - present
  • Iraq War

Dalai Lama

  • 14th Dalai Lama
  • 1935 - present
  • Buddism
  • Tibet

Pope Francis

  • Jorge Mario Bergoglio
  • 1936 - present

Mother Theresa

  • Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu
  • 1910-1997
  • Calcutta, India

Hillary Clinton

  • 1947 - present
  • First lady
  • Secretary of State

Aung San Suu Ky

  • 1945 - present
  • Myanmar