Who decides the order? MLA
MLA 9 is the most updated version of the Modern Language Association’s writing style book.
It’s easier than earlier versions because the order of the parts is the same regardless of source type.
All citations in MLA now list information in this order, with the punctuation as shown:
Author’s last name, First name. “Title of Source.” Title of Container, Other contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication date, Location.
Note: If the source is a book, skip "title of the source" because the book is the container.
No longer needed:
New Features:
What is a Container?
Container = What holds the source
(the journal, the database, the encyclopedia, the album, the season...)
Additional containers = the place where you found it, if applicable.
(Spotify, EBSCO, Netflix)
(answers to sorting activity here, when you’re done)
Understanding the punctuation
MLA 8 simplified the previous punctuation system. MLA 9 maintains the same style:
Additional Resources